
Let me introduce my self.

My name is Mao Shinohara. I am a student at Sophia University. I am sophomore. I am 20 years old. My major is French literature. I study French every day. I went to France this year for a month. I really enjoyed training the language. After that, I went to Paris. I saw Eiffel tower, a triumphal gateway, and so on. It was very interesting. I had hoped to live there in the future.  And I study English as well. I belong to English club named E.S.S. E.S.S stand for the "English Speaking Society". In this club, there are four sections: speech, discussion, debate and drama. I belong to drama section. We perform drama in English. We decide the director, the stage manager, light technician, sound technician, and so on. The director decides a subject, and we practice it for two months, and after it, we perform the drama in public. I am cloth and make-up artist in this drama. Cloth and make-up artist decide what kind of cloth, and what kind of make-up the actors should do. At the same time, I act as an actress. The practice is not easy, but I learn many things from it, not only English, but how act to express my feeling, or something. There are our performances two times a year in Sophia University building 1. Next performance will be at the end of June. The subject is Shawshank Redemption. I wish you will come to see it, if you can.

Next is about my dream.
I want to be a designer and design many cloths. For it, I go to many countries and look up various cloths, in the future I want to have my own shop. So French and English is very important for me. To be an ideal designer, I have to learn English and French now. Of course, I also learn about cloths. I work in Raraport of Toyosu. I ask customers what kind of cloths they want, and I give the cloths like it. Sometimes I mistake, but I think I learn more than that.  Like that, I will go to my dream without giving up.
At the last, I introduce my enjoyable things these day, and my boyfriend.
I became sophomore, so freshman come to ESS. I become senior. I have to teach about ESS and Drama Section to freshman. I am afraid to do it, at the same time, I look forward to it. When I was freshman, I thought the seniors were great, and smart so much. I decided to follow them. But, can I let freshman feel the same feeling? I will do my best for it, because the good senior can change the juniors’ destiny as I was done.
By the way, my boyfriend is the senior of drama section. He is very smart and kind. I respect him all time. His logic and concentration is stand out. He understands anything logically, and he can explain it as I can understand it. He doesn’t take any mistake, but I do. Thinking about it, I cannot be a good senior. Otherwise, he said to me, "I am not a good senior, I can be so to you, but other people may not think so. Everyone must not respect one person. But if you become kind and hard every time to freshman, they must follow you. You have what I don't have. You are attractive." I love him so much, and he loves me, too. I decided to be a good senior.
That's all I want to say. See you again.

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