
My summer vacation

We had a long summer vacation because of save electricity. I spent almost my summer vacation to my circle ESS.
From August eight to thirteen, we had a summer camp. About 80 people went to this camp. In summer camp, we had a speech, discution, devate and drama. We must speak only English in this camp. During summer camp, we coudn't sleep so long because plactice was so hard. I am member of Drama section, so I taught drama to freshman.

In october 28, 29 and 30, we are going to perform a play on the stage. We perform at the auditorium in Sophia university building 1. We performe "Mamma Mia!" in English. It's a musical. I am in charge of make and costume. I bought a lot of dress. By the way, do you know what does the word "Mamma Mia" mean? "Mamma Mia" is Italian. "Mamma" means mom, "mia" means mine in English. It ordinaly use like an exclamation. "Mamma mia" means "Oh my god." I want to all the people who come to the theater will enjoy our performance.
I practice this drama since september. I practice dance and sing. It was so hard but interesting. My summer vacation's memory was this practice.